5 Tips to Promote your Music Online

8 min readJun 19, 2021


This is all you need to know .. to be successful

You want to make music your career. But how do you promote your music online? For the answers, see this article. We’ve collected eight tips for helping you stand out from the competition and get more people interested in your songs and gigs.

8 Tips to Promote your Music Online

1. How to promote your music online

Many musicians rely on social media as a marketing tool to market their music. But you can’t just ask for people to like or follow you. You have to actively encourage their engagement. You have to be posting content that they would enjoy hearing, reading, and listening to. And many musicians share the ongoing success of their careers on their social media platforms. So where do you post your own updates about your music career and collaborations? Many musicians share the ongoing success of their careers on their social media platforms. So where do you post your own updates about your music career and collaborations? Although social media is great for listening to music, it can also be a great tool for promoting your music. Before you post content, tease your audience with content that you think they’ll enjoy. Then, over time, make it so that people seek those posts out and click on those sounds. Not all social media platforms have the same creative applications. When you look for the appropriate social media program, look for content that addresses what you’re about to put on the platform — the angle that you’re looking to build your audience and reach them. Know your strengths and try to create content that will receive a “thumbs up,” whether it’s a favorite song or a helpful suggestion. You have a song that the world wants to hear? Go make a video for it. Research shows that one of the best ways to attract new fans to your music is to post video content promoting it. If your music video is good, you may get a positive response from your audience of people who want to see that video and play it again.

8 Tips to Promote your Music Online

2. Create a professional website for your band

Even if you are a new band, you want to make sure that you have a professional website created for your band. This gives people a way to find you online and a place to find out more about you. Good documentation is an excellent way to demonstrate that you are a precise and well-researched musician. While you could always hire a professional musician to produce your music, professional musicians are far less expensive and can get you a long way. We created a rundown of the professional musician tools we use, which are based on the tools that have been most helpful to us. Keep in mind that the documentation requires that you’re showing your gear and your sound signatures. We can’t stress it enough. As you preview your songs and prepare your documentation, your music should only be in “rooms.” These are the songs that you have prepared and approved for your musicians — the people who will actually produce your music. A room is a section of your website, or on an external page or blog you plan to make. Each room should have a function or messaging. Message the room’s function or message to the room owner. Let them know the purpose and style of the room. You don’t want to clutter other people’s rooms or pages with your work. You don’t want people to see all your recent work and be confused! Each room should have a Follow button. This is a way for people to find you if they regularly visit a certain room. You can create things like this: There is nothing more annoying than scrolling on your social media and a new post appears. If people regularly visit and hear your room, they will definitely know about your other rooms. Use social proof if possible.

3. Promote your gigs and share them online

Create a Facebook event, post it on Twitter, and share it on Instagram. If you’re playing at a venue that has a website, get them to promote your show on their homepage. Promote your gigs using the first three ingredients above, but also add the caption #first3min. On Facebook, you can also use the hashtags #first3min and #concert — and you may get others to like and share. Take advantage of all social media promotion opportunities to “pitch back.” That means if someone likes what you’re doing, share it as your own post. Make it a follow back via comments and likes. For example, this post about a concert I just played on 10 May 2020 was recommended by a friend, and we’ve commented back and shared it a couple of dozen times. I’m now at over 700 people who like and share this post. Many musicians and music business owners operate personal blogs and social media accounts where they share music related news, opinions, and links. Depending on your music genres, blogs can be a great way to share your work with a dedicated audience. For starters, find where your core fan base hangs out and create an account and blog both on Facebook and Twitter. Guest posting is another great way to get yourself in front of a new audience — and frequently. Guest posting allows you to have your own “pitch” to play music you like on a particular platform or over a specific amount of time. You can provide a link when writing a guest post but otherwise edit it as you wish. To get started, find the best platforms for your genre and niche and guest post content in your preferred niches and genres. Depending on your specific niche and needs, guest posting is a great way to supplement new and existing marketing efforts. According to this research, guest posting generated an average of 28 visits to a blog in 2018.

8 Tips to Promote your Music Online

4. Put a spotlight on yourself with social media

One of the most effective ways to build your brand is through social media. Whether you have a large following or a small following, social media allows you to put a spotlight on yourself. It gives you a chance to showcase your personality. You also get to share your own experiences and expertise and connect with your audience in a more personal way. As you work on gaining back the trust of your fans, make sure that your social media presence consists of only the things that matter to you. Spend a good amount of time on social media growing your audience and creating engaging content that will keep them on your page. As Robert Cialdini, Ph.D. explains in his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion: “The harder we try to persuade, the more unappealing the end product will seem.” People don’t like to buy a used product, even if they think it’s of good quality. Newsreel artists were the first people to put photos online. Their works were interesting and fun to watch. There was very little hassle in posting them in small magazines to gain a following. Still, it didn’t take long for the newsreel format to die out. What people wanted were Hollywood-quality pictures. A chance to learn about film, the actors, the music, and more. Today, musicians Facebook and Instagram are the places to purchase photos of famous musicians. In the late 1990s, a California entrepreneur came up with a unique solution. He chose to specialize in online movie promotion by creating digital movie posters as well as movie posters for mainstream films, TV shows, and video games. His company, Liquid Image, now has over 4 million followers on Instagram. When you’re following them, you’ll get notifications for these new posts by email. Here are four reasons why you should try it out: Making money from the creation of creative works and sold to the public is one of the best ways to build credibility. Sharing your expertise on social media through newsreel will probably gain you a lot of followers and a lot of controversy.

8 Tips to Promote your Music Online

5. Use streaming services to spread the word about your music

Streaming services are an easy way for people to get exposed to your music. Spotify is especially great because it’s free and easy for people to use. The best way to spread the word about your music is to make sure that you’re active on as many social media platforms as possible. People are less likely to interact with you when you post music. This is a terrible strategy. Yet, many artists make this mistake. They think attempting to reach as many people as possible online will lead to more people hearing their music and engaging with their lyrics. Not so. You don’t have to spend hours on Instagram reaching out to your fans and begging them to turn on your music. What you do need to do is post something every time you release a new song. Every time you post a new song (or content you’re promoting), post your Instagram URL in bio. . It’ll spread the word to more people you know. You don’t want people to forget you by the time you’re done promoting your music. Invest time into which platforms and hashtags you repeatedly post to spread the word. You may see a spike in views in a short amount of time, and that can be enough to keep adding new followers and showing up here on Medium. We don’t need to go into too much detail for this tip. Search the Spotify artist page in someone’s search bar and they’ll most likely have songs that they’ve released in the past. Most people search for artists by the first song that they post online. I prefer to do this with the first video I make as well. Sharing a link to your track doesn’t need to be the only act you do. Sometimes, other creators on platforms you don’t own will reach out to let you know about some new songs or genres that they’ve been exploring.




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